Debt Reduction Guide Reviews

Ultimate Debt Guide


As the "two-star" pick from the five, we selected the Ultimate Debt Guide. Scott Stephen, author and creator of the Ultimate Debt Guide claims to know a lot about debt. He says, "I've had the distinct pleasure of going through the debt consolidation process many times in my life and eventually had to declare bankruptcy on three separate occasions!"

Stephen understands the feeling of juggling credits cards, avoiding nasty creditors, repeating the same financial mistakes, and struggling to keep his head above water. He claims he got out of $63,000 of debt in only 4 months without filing bankruptcy or using any type of debt consolidation service!

Stephen spent eight years researching his material before launching his program. This is a person who has investigated debt cures in detail. The 169-page ebook shows you how to apply techniques based on your individual circumstances.


The Ultimate Debt Guide covers a lot of information, and not just about getting out of debt. It also covers such topics as getting errors removed from your credit report and how to lower ordinary expenditures to save money every month.

The program discusses consolidation loans, student loan debt consolidation, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), and credit card debt relief to mention a few. Instead of saying no to bankruptcy, Stephens goes into detail presenting all the pros and cons of taking such a step. This allows you to make an informed decision. The Ultimate Debt Guide will also show you secrets that credit card companies don’t want you to know.

Unlike other debt reduction programs, Ultimate Debt Guide stresses getting to the root of the matter – discovering how you got in debt in the first place. Stephen gives a number of reasons debt may have happened and how you can work through those problems.


The website features several testimonies that include photos, full names and locations. The testimonies lend credence to the guide.


The Ultimate Debt Guide comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.


  • "Get Out of Debt Letter Kit" with more than 70 pages of letters and phone scripts for your own personal use. 
  • "Two Faces of Debt Guide" by the Federal Reserve of Chicago, which is packed with information the government doesn't want you to know about debt.
  • "Credit Repair Made E-Z" a 130-page guide offers helpful tips on dealing with banks, improving your credit quickly, and maintaining a good credit rating.
  • Lifetime course updates are provided which help to keep course information current.


The ebook comes in Adobe PDF format so it can be downloaded at the moment of purchase. The Ultimate Debt Guide sells for $49.95. On the down side, there are numerous grammatical, spelling, and formatting errors all of which detract from the book’s quality. That being said, there is a vast amount of valuable information here. Anyone willing to do apply a little discipline and hard work will greatly benefit.

